
hope for the flowers
Hope For The Flowers
c. 1972
Trina Paulus

Like the books of Shel Silverstein and Antoine Saint de Exupery, the book seems to be for kids but the message is so vast.

Denden, my tutee for 4 years has Hope for the Flowers as a book report for this quarter. Every year, since she started being my tutee, I patiently wait for her to tell me what quarter will be for book reports. I have been constantly motivating her to read because I'd like her to experience the wonders I experience with books. However, even if I have influenced her in a lot of things, seems like reading will never be a part of it.

At the start of the SY, I immediately pried on the subject. She said they have not assigned a book yet. I was hoping for a more feel-good book other than The Diary of Anne Frank last SY. Well, it seems like I got my wish. She came home one afternoon, with that beautiful Smile on her face saying "Teacher Mitch...may book report na kami, but I have not gotten a copy of the book...”I asked her what book, she grinned and said she does not know the title and it was a book full of drawings. she said she's sure I've read the book. She got her notebook, flipped it open and checked the title. She then said she has Hope for the Flowers as her book report. Then I was struck. Told her it was one of the best books I have read. Then I thought about the dilemma I was in. Is this another sign? Another message God was trying to give me?

Just this Thursday, Denden and I were both discussing how to present her book report when we both shared what we think of it. She was done reading, and I was in awe (she rarely finishes a book, but if that would be a Candy mag--GreaT!). We talked about the book and the message. Their teacher wants them to compare themselves to either Stripe or Yellow. She said she couldn’t compare herself to anyone of him or her because she's scared to try things on her own without asking her MOM or DAD. Knowing her age, she's just turned 13, she is still going through a rough phase. Being an adolescent once, I share her sentiments. It seems like things are not right without mom or dad's approval. But the case now is different. I am Stripe con Yellow. I have Stripe's uncertainty and restlessness and Yellow's courage to take the risk. Both Stripe and Yellow took the risk even if they wanted to be together. They were in love but Stripe chose to leave Yellow at one point, to find himself. I feel that way. I am in a crossroad of getting to what I want, or learning what I want. It was a difficult phase for Yellow, so is with me. Yellow was in a dilemma to try things alone, but then learned that if she will not take the risk and become a butterfly, she would never know what's in store for her.

Denden is in a crossroad as I am. Might be different dealings but same nature. We are both in a cause, wanting to be our best but learning things the hard way. I chose to let go of someone to know if it's really mine, to know if things will work out the way I want it. For now, it is. On the other hand, Denden got low grades for the first quarter that upset, not only her parents, but me, to no end. She is grounded and has to attend tutorials everyday. She is also going a phase wherein she needs to learn how to choose her company, or she will become a rotten tomato like the rest of them in the basket.

Hope for the flowers, hope for Denden and I. We will surpass this. This is just the beginning. We will learn the ropes and become victorious. When this is all through, we will have the smile on our faces like what Stripe and Yellow has. A new beginning.


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