An Open Letter To You

My Dearest Hubby,

Words are not enough to tell you the love that I feel. The greatness is suprising itself and I am overwhelmed by it. I tried to re-assess myself and went back to the days before I met you. I admit, I am not even half the person you know now. I was more stressed, more temperamental, more moody. I am touchy now, sensitive, all because of you. I have changed, even towards my sister.

My sister I used to really close before she got pregnant, but that changed it all. There were circumstances that made me into a monster. I was cranky, hot-tempered, irrational at times and was always on a shouting streak. That has changed now. I touch her in ways I have not done in 5 years. I feel the love flowing as I feel my love for you grow each day. I feel that you have inspired me to be less of a monster. Thank you honey. Thank you for the love. I feel I owe it to you.

A lot of things will happen between us, and I hope that the love just grows deeper. I am awaiting for the mornings and nights I will spend with you. I look up to waking up each day and looking at your face beside me. I await for that time when you are the last and first person I see when I open my eyes. I want to feel the warm embrace everyday.

I love you now and until the next lifetimes that will awaken me.

Con Amore,
Semper Fidelis,
your Wifey


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