An Open Letter of Love

Dearest Honey,

I cannot imagine the voracity of my love, it extends to horizons that even the human eyes cannot reach. Since you walked into my life, things have never been the same. I noticed myself smile at something not even worth smiling about, I noticed myself admire something not even worth glancing at. You have changed me. I cannot explain the magnitude of your love, it has brought me to great heights and I am not scared anymore. I know this is for me. I know this is meant to be.

I know that there are new things to discover and as we go along, you will discover things in me that you might not like, and I in you. However it may be, I will love you wholly, with all the beautiful and ugly things in you. I will love you for who you are and for what you will become now that you're with me. We shall travel life together and we will make it through. I will be fearsome and will overcome the ghosts of the past. I will walk with you in this journey and will not be scared to try new things. I will join you in this life with all the victories and defeat. I will be with you this lifetime to witness all the sunrises and sunsets. I will be with you now until the end of time.

I love you. Words cannot suffice. You have me.

Con Amore,
Semper Fidelis,


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