Just Thinking Out Loud...

I have been certain in this life that I love live, than when I love, there will be only one.  I have nver been used to infidelity, much more when things are going right.  But as they say, things happen for a purpose.  I surmise, this is happening because it will teach me something.

Being the teacher, I am used to inculcating values and teaching the kids the knowledge they need to have.  I am not used to being taught, not in the longest time.  Now you came along.  Most of my friends say I am crazy for even thinking about i.  My best buddies say otherwise.  My best friend said, whatever will make you happy, go.  Do as you pleases.  You make me happy, yet she makes me happy to.  The phenomenon, I have just met you but the happiness is tenfolds.  My heart wants to explode with the happiness you have given me.

I am now uncertain of what the future brings.  Truth is, I have never been so uncertain until I met you.  Your entry in my life has caused me to change the way I feel about a person who is near considering as a "goddess", but here I am, hoping, wishing, that things will work the way we want it.

I will keep you in my heart until the time is ready.  I don't know if you will wait for me or is set on letting go.  Even if you have said you will fight for me, it is still too soon to tell.  That I know is I love you now and I will keep on loving you.


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